Basketball-The basketball players of the Vajira Children’s Development Centre, participated in a Annual tournament organized by the Colombo International School, and our cages performed well to become champions of the tournament.
Basketball-The basketball players of the Vajira Children’s Development Centre, participated in a Annual tournament organized by the Colombo International School, and our cages performed well to become champions of the tournament.
Cricket – For the first time in the history of Children’s home a six a side cricket tournament was organized for the children of children’s homes in the Western Province. The tournament was organized by Vajira Sri Children’s Development...
Pellentesque ut porta libero. Curabitur non auctor nisi. Maecenas turpis diam, egestas eget dictum id, condimentum nunc. Fusce tempor in purus sed mattis. Nulla cursus eleifend eros sit amet tempor. Donec nisl lacus, ornare sed velit id, accumsan feugiat...