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Main problem we have is lack of regular food donations. Regular donation of a specific food type or even part of the required amount would help us enormously.

Cost for daily food requirement is as follows:

Bead tea and breakfast: Rs. 7,500/=
Lunch (Rice and curry with meat or fish): Rs. 11.000/=
Dinner (Rice and curry with meat or fish): Rs. 10,000/=
Vegetarian meal for luch or dinner: Rs. 7,500/= A full days meal cost Rs. 25,000/-

We are always in need of dry rations so that we could provide the children will a balanced nutritious meal.

We would appreciate if donors also are able to provide the children an evening tea. Donors are free to contribute what ever quantities they like.

Any person who wishes to contribute in cash can do so at our officer or send a cheque address to
Account Name: Vajira Sri Rehabilitation Children’s Home
Account no: 0000227418
Bank: Bank of Ceylon, Nugegoda Branch

Would You Like to Help in Other Ways?


Vajirians are privileged to have a school specially for them. The school is registered with the education department, and goes as a non assisted school.

Children follow the normal syllabus given by the Department of Education. We are happy to say that our academic records show that the children have had over 95% passes at the G.C.E. Ordinary Level examinations.

Medical Help

We have an ayurvedic doctor who visits us every two weeks. How ever we need a regular medical doctor and a child psychologist. Some of these children have been through traumatic experiences and it would be highly beneficial for them to talk to some one.

Extra Curricular Activities

We are trying to provide these children with the best possible start to their lives. This means helping them to develop their talents in area which are not easily detected. These include the fields of Arts, Music, dance, sports and Information technology.

Volleyball –  The children play volley ball and for number of years our players won the Divisional championship.

Cricket –Cricket being a gentlemen’s game most of our children like to play cricket. This year we have set an example for the other children’s homes. We organsied a 6 a side cricket tournament exclusively for children in children’s homes. 30 teams participate in the first ever tournament, which was officiated by the umpires from the Umpires association. This being a very popular game there is always a chance for these young people to be trained and further their skills.

We are proud to say now we have a pool of 20 identified at the tournament who are being trained by a coach from the cricket board. We would like to request support for promoting the game among the other homes.

Basketball – Although we do not have a court of our own, Vajirians have done well to win the tournament consecutively for two years. This tournament was organized by the Colombo International School.

We like to introduce netball for the girls, unfortunately we were not able to get the necessary equipment to start training the girls.

Dancing – Vajirians who are students of WP/J Indrasiri Vidyalaya, have excelled in dancing to win the Divisional and Provincial Championship. And to come 3rd in the All Island Dancing Competition.

Music - Our children were also successful in winning the Divisional Championship in Singing. In 2012/2013, A special musical programme was organized under the theme “Vajira Super Star” in 2012 and in 2013 the programme was open to 5 other child development centres. In 2014 it was open to all the homes in the Western Province. 160 talented young artist participated for the programme. 20 vocalists were selected and further training given by organizing a workshop. We hope to have the finals in December 2014.

Vajirians show lot of potential and it is important to identify these talents and promote them.

We wish to appeal to donors to consider supporting the Technical Education progoramme.


Volunteerism is something which is fast diminishing. We are open to support volunteer placement programmes for interns of universities in Sri Lanka as well as abroad.

We have had volunteers, from organizations such as Projects Abroad, ISEC programme from the University abroad. And Volunteers from National Youth Services.


We are looking for matrons who will reside with us full time to act as guardians for the children. References are required.


One of the major concerns we have is the maintenance of buildings and equipment. We have many buildings that needs to have regular maintenance. We kindly invite persons to support us in this programme. We also wish to invite volunteers who can contribute to building maintenance.

Please visit us and see what support we need and help us.


We are in urgent need of two 24-hour security staff to keep a watch over the children. Ideally they would come from a known security company with references (for the safety of the children.

Fostering a Child

If you would like to foster a child, application forms can be obtained from the office.


Total of staff salaries comes up to Rs. 230,000/= per month. This includes all the staff members at the ophanage, teachers and two head teachers who are working for the Indrasiri College. It is important that we keep these staff as they are very committed to the children.

Your donations will help us to pay salaries to the staff in monthly basis without any difficulty.

For any further details you may contact the project office on 0094 112856145


Childhood should be filled with fun and great memories, and we would like to give that to the kids. Day trips to such as Planetarium, Zoo or Cinema would be wonderful. But it costs too much for us to organize the tickets or transport.

Organizing fun days within the orphanage compound such as sport days, ice cream days( 5 gallons per meal), fun fairs (with bouncy castles, merry go round etc.) or any other ideas that the kids would enjoy over the weekend would be fantastic.